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MoU IDS – XTEND to cooperate in both fields of tactical drones and C-UAS

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi, a Fincantieri NexTech company, announced the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with XTEND – a global leader in human-machine teaming technology, to cooperate in both fields of tactical unmanned systems and C-UAS countermeasures by creating synergies between their respective competencies with the aim of exploiting significant commercial opportunities.

The MoU, signed at Eurosatory 2022, confirms the IDS’ expansion strategy in the tactical unmanned systems market for Defense, National Security and Public Safety applications.

XTEND offers three drones: the indoor micro-tactical Xtender, GNNS resilient multi-mission Woverine, and C-UAS Griffon.  All drones are operated by a single, human-centric patented operating system, that enables operators and first responders, with minimal training time, to remotely intervene in dangerous situations, from a safe distance, by virtually “sitting inside” the small sUAS.

This combat-proven “future-is-now” technology mitigates the operational risks by preventing humans from physically interacting with a dangerous environment, while still projecting themselves into the area of interest and, in the C-UAS application, by minimizing the collateral effects when engaging malicious and unsafety drones.